You have found Libbi and David's place. This site is our home on the web now, replacing dleepow.us. It is a work in progress. You can still get to the old static HTML pages with the dleepow.us link. This L2D2 site is all database-driven dynamic content, built with Drupal.
So, what's with L2D2? It's for our initials: LLDD. We figured it made a lot more sense than "dleepow", which gets only more obscure year by year.
It is my hope that our extended family and friends will choose to create accounts here and use this site as a place to keep in touch, for planning and coordinating events, exchanging photos, and whatever else we come up with. Much of the content will only be accessable by logging in; this is not intended to be a very public site. By protecting the content from visibility to every bozo with a browser, it's my hope we'll feel relaxed and at home, and not have to worry about who might see what we share here. Security is a major priority with the technology I'm using, and I am confident that l2d2.net is pretty locked down. The old dleepow content is still wide open, though.
Create your account and dive in!
Love your new Kitchen!
I think your new name is perfect L2D2. I just looked at your pics and think your kitchen should be in Architectural Digest it is stunning. Enjoy!
Hugs to both of you.
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